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Shell Rock Soy Processing

"Outstanding Business of the Year" 
Venture Award Recipient 2022srsp logo
Nominated by Butler County REC

The company purchased nearly 100 acres in the Butler Logistic Park near Shell Rock to be the site of a startup soybean processing facility. The Shell Rock Soy Processing (SRSP) complex is now commissioning and will soon be ramping up to full operation. The facility will crush 40 million bushels of soybeans annually, producing 800,000 tons of soybean meal for livestock markets and more than 400 million pounds of soybean oil. SRSP will unload more than 3,000 truckloads of soybeans per month. They will employ 50-60 people when fully operational. Many partners, including Butler County REC and Corn Belt Power Cooperative, supported the development of the Butler Logistics Park, SRSP and other businesses within the complex. Butler County REC also constructed a new substation to meet their needs.  WEBSITE

SRSP Aerial SRSP Construction SRSP Truck Weigh