Food Ingredients
Iowa is well-known for the abundant food commodities it produces and its world-leading position
in the development of cutting-edge food technology. Iowa produces one-eleventh of the nations’ food supply and is the largest producer of corn, pork and eggs, and second in soybeans in the United States.
Iowa produces:
- 18.1% of the nation’s corn supply
- 13.3% of the nation’s soybeans
- 17% of the nation’s eggs
- 34.8% of the nation’s pork
- 14% of the nation’s cattle
The state’s rich soil supports major crops such as corn and soybeans used to produce high quality inputs (yeast, enzymes, sweeteners, flavors, proteins, fibers, gelatins and binders.) that are critical to the world’s food industry. Facilities throughout Iowa are continually developing new varieties, processes, and technologies. Iowa’s ingredient innovators collaborate extensively with food processors and Iowa’s research institutes to create solutions and new products.
The state is home to 36 of the 100 largest food manufacturers and processors, creating a critical mass of food companies and industry knowledge. New food varieties, processes and technologies are constantly being developed in Iowa – a place where food processors, ingredient innovators and research institutions come together to collaborate.
Iowa advantages include:
- Abundant raw materials. Iowa is widely-recognized as the food-producing capital of the world. Fertile farmland has attracted and nurtured a wide range of food-based industries.
- Supportive university research centers. Because of Iowa's strong agricultural history, it has developed and funded dedicated university research centers in agricultural sciences, medical and pharmaceutical studies and world-class programs in biotechnology research.
- Quality workforce. Iowa's k-12 educational system produces high graduation rates and employable workers.
- Existing critical mass. Iowa has a high concentration of ag-industry companies with skills and technology that create a critical mass.
Additional Resources:
Food Ingredients Industry Brochure.jpg)
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